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Red Hat

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Note: This article has been posted also on Red Hat Developers Program blog

As I mentioned in this earlier post, the 8.0.0.Beta2 version of JBoss Fuse Tooling is available. In this article I will cover another new and updated feature: validations. I will explain what was already available and what’s new which improves productivity.


In Fuse Camel Editor, the classic XML editor is used in the source tab. Consequently, we can rely on the Eclipse built-in validation of xml files against xsd. You just have to right-click on the source code, then Validate.

validation XSD

There was a limitation about blueprint, I let you check this issue report in case the validation doesn’t work for you in previous versions: FUSETOOLS-1653.

Improved and New

Fuse validation everywhere

Going further than the xsd validation, the Fuse validation validates some characteristics of the component URI. This validation reports Problem markers against the Camel Component. This kind of validation was already available through Properties view but there was no global vision of these issues.

You can now see markers in:

  • Project explorer

  • Camel Route Diagram

  • Tree nodes for Global configuration element

  • Source tab editor

  • Problems view

validationEverywhere validationOnXmlFile

Jump from Problems view

When double-clicking on Fuse Validation error in Problems view, you are redirected to the correct Editor tab depending on which specific Camel element the error comes from.

For the xsd validation, you are redirected to the source editor.

Note: This article has been posted also on Red Hat Developers Program blog

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the 8.0.0.Beta2 version of JBoss Fuse Tooling is now available. Apart from the diagram tooling rework, there is yet another new, awaited feature. You can find it in the new “Configurations” editor — designed to manipulate global configurations, i.e. elements defined at the Camel context scope.

A new editor tab is now available to manipulate global configurations.


It currently allows to declare global Endpoints and global Data Formats.


For instance when adding a new Data Format, a dialog allows you to select a specific data format:


Then you will be able to edit it from the classic Properties view:


We have a lot of other global elements that we would like to support, please vote on our JIRA (and/or create your own Feature Request). It will help us to prioritize global configuration element support. You can find already filed JIRA ticket here.

Note: This article has been posted also on Red Hat Developers Program blog

The JBoss Fuse Tooling has been reworked to provide a brighter Look’n’feel and a nice looking automatic layout. The work is still in progress but already available in beta version with the new JBoss Tool Studio version. Please install the JBoss Tools Studio that you can download from here. And then follow the steps in this screenshot to have access to JBoss Fuse Tooling 8.0 Beta 2.


Ok, now let’s see what’s new from a Diagram point view!

New layout and Look’n’Feel

It provides modern colors. Some of them are dynamic depending on the consumer/producer role.

The new default layout is vertical - the horizontal is still available from Preferences - providing more information in a more compact way.

Icons for each component are currently created. It helps to distinguish at first sight which kind of component it is without having to read the scheme of the URI.

An image is worth a thousands words, especially here, so have a look:


Multiple routes support

Previously, the editor was supporting editing a single route per Camel file. It is now possible to develop several Camel routes in the same file with the JBoss Fuse Tooling.

Palette simplification

The Palette has been reworked too. The component list has been shortened to present the most common components only. You can use a search field to filter on the remaining ones. All the other components are still available using the "Generic" tool palette, it opens a dialog where you will be able to search for a specific component and have default filters/presentations.

PaletteHighlighted componentChoose

If you feel that the component list of the palette must be configurable, you can vote on the corresponding feature request.

Validation decorator

The Fuse Validation issues are now displayed on the diagram:


JBoss Tools 4.29.1.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 13, 2024.

JBoss Tools 4.29.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Nov 02, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.28.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-06

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jul 03, 2023.

JBoss Tools for Eclipse 2023-06M2

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 05, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.27.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-03

by Stéphane Bouchet on Apr 07, 2023.

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