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JBoss Tools and Red Hat CodeReady Studio for Eclipse 2020-06

posted by Jeff Maury on Jul 21, 2020.

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JBoss Tools 4.16.0 and Red Hat CodeReady Studio 12.16 for Eclipse 2020-06 are here waiting for you. Check it out!



Red Hat CodeReady Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat CodeReady product page and run it like this:

java -jar codereadystudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) CodeReady Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.16 2020-06 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools" or "Red Hat CodeReady Studio".

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly.


What is new?

Our main focus for this release was a new tooling for the Quarkus framework, improvements for container based development and bug fixing. Eclipse 2020-06 itself has a lot of new cool stuff but let me highlight just a few updates in both Eclipse 2020-06 and JBoss Tools plugins that I think are worth mentioning.


Secure URL support

It is now possible to create secured URLs in the Application Explorer View. If you select this option, the created URL will be accessible through https.

secure url

When such an URL is displayed in the tree, the icon now has a secure lock indicator.

secure url1

OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 support

With the new OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.5 now available, JBoss Tools is compatible with this major release in a transparent way. Just define your connection to your OCP 4.4 based cluster as you did before for an OCP 3 cluster, and use the tooling !


Server Tools

Wildfly 20 Server Adapter

A server adapter has been added to work with Wildfly 20. It adds support for Java EE 8, Jakarta EE 8 and Microprofile 3.3.

Hibernate Tools

Hibernate Runtime Provider Updates

A number of additions and updates have been performed on the available Hibernate runtime providers.

Runtime Provider Updates

The Hibernate 5.4 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.4.17.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.4.17.Final.

The Hibernate 5.3 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.3.17.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.3.17.Final.


Views, Dialogs and Toolbar

Create missing folders from the New File wizard

You can now create missing folders directly via the New File wizard, without explicitly creating folders beforehand.

file and folder

Text Editors

Support for ligatures on Windows

Eclipse now supports font ligatures on Windows. It was already supported on Linux and macOS. You can specify the font with ligatures to be used by the Text editors using the preference:

General > Appearance > Colors and Font > Basic > Text Font

Screenshot of ligatures rendered in the Java Editor on Windows 10:

eclipse ligatures support win

Themes and Styling

Native dark scrollbars in Windows dark theme

The Eclipse dark theme now uses the native dark scrollbars and retired the software solution for the editor area.

dark theme scrollbars
Eclipse toolbar’s styling on Windows aligned with Win 10

The default Eclipse light theme has been updated to align better with the Windows 10 default theme.


old light theme


new light theme
Square tabs for views

Square tabs are now used by default for the views in the Eclipse IDE.

dark theme square tabs

In order to switch back to using round tabs, a preference has been added.

round tabs preference option
Consistent toolbar colors in dark theme

The toolbar styling in the dark theme is now consistent.

dark theme toolbar


Verify installation operations against current JRE

A new option (on by default) is available in the Install/Update preference page: Verify provisioning operation is compatible with current running JRE. This enables some extra check when installing, updating or uninstalling content using the standard dialogs so the operation will fail with a useful message if the units you’re installing require a newer or incompatible Java runtime than the one that’s currently in use to run the IDE.


Here is how the error message looks like, for example when you’re trying to install a unit that requires Java 14 and you’re running the Eclipse IDE with an older Java version:

Preference to inline rename resource

The preference to rename resource inline or using dialog was added in 4.15 as a radio button and has now been changed to a check box.



'Select All' and 'Deselect All' for Import breakpoints wizard

You can now use Select All or Deselect All buttons to select or deselect all the breakpoint markers during import of breakpoints.

import selectall

General Updates

Show key bindings when command is invoked

For presentations, screen casts and learning purposes, it is very helpful to show the corresponding key binding when a command is invoked. This was added some releases ago.

show keybindings

It is now possible to enable this feature separately for keyboard interaction and mouse clicks. So you can enable it for mouse clicks only, for keyboard interaction only or for both. Enabling this only for mouse clicks is very helpful for users who want to learn existing key bindings.

You can enable this on the Preferences dialog via the Show key binding when command is invoked group on the General > Keys preference page. To change this setting quickly the command 'Toggle Show Key Bindings' can be used (e.g. via the find actions dialog).

show keybindings pref
Ant 1.10.8

Eclipse has adopted Ant version 1.10.8.

Java Developement Tools (JDT)

Java 14 Support

Java 14

Java™ 14 is available and Eclipse JDT supports Java 14 for the Eclipse 4.16 release.

The release notably includes the following Java 14 features:

  • JEP 361: Switch Expressions (Standard).

  • JEP 359: Records (Preview).

  • JEP 368: Text Blocks (Second Preview).

  • JEP 305: Pattern Matching for Instanceof (Preview).

Please note that preview option should be on for preview language features. For an informal introduction of the support, please refer to Java 14 Examples wiki.

Set JDK Compliance to 14

You can set the JDK compliance to 14 and enable the preview features in Preferences > Java > Compiler:

jdk compliance 14
Template to create new record

You can use the new_record template to create a record in an empty .java file:

Record Creation Wizard

You can create a new record using the Record creation wizard that can be opened by:

  • Right Click on the Project > New > Record

  • Right Click on the Project > New > Other and search for Record

  • Right Click on the Project > New > Other > Java > Record

The Record creation wizard comes up as shown below.


Note: In older workspaces the "Record" entry may not appear directly under the "New" menu in the Java perspective. To resolve this, either use a new workspace or launch eclipse with the option -clearPersistedState for your existing workspace.

Enable preview features

You can now quickly enable the preview features on an applicable Java project by right-clicking on it and selecting Configure > Enable preview features:

enable preview

You can also change the default severity (warning) of the preview features compile problem in the opened Project properties dialog:

preview severity

Java Editor

Non-blocking Java code completion

By default, code completions in the Java editor are now configured to be computed (when possible) in a separate non-UI thread in order to prevent UI freezes in case of long computations.

Users can restore the legacy behavior in Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced by unchecking the enable non-blocking completion checkbox; integrators can change the value of the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.content_assist_noUIThread_computation to false.

Merge control workflows

A new clean up has been added that merges conditions of if/else if/else that have the same blocks when it is possible.

The code in the blocks should be the same. An else block may be different and won’t be merged. One condition may be made opposite to allow the merge. The conditions are merged with || to keep the control workflow the same. Parenthesis is added to avoid priority issue. Most of the brackets, formatting and comments are kept.

To select the clean up, invoke Source > Clean Up…​, use a custom profile, and on the Configure…​ dialog select Merge conditions of if/else if/else that have the same blocks on the Unnecessary Code tab.

merge control workflows preferences

For the given code:

merge control workflows before

You get this after the clean up:

merge control workflows after
Local variable type inference

A new clean up has been added that makes use of the var keyword for the local variable when it is possible and is enabled only for Java 10 and higher.

The clean up replaces the explicit variable type by var when this type can be known by the variable initialization. It also replaces the diamond operator in instance creation by a parameterized type. Eventually, it adds a suffix to initialization number literal to match the variable type. In any case, the variable type is still exactly the same.

To select the clean up, invoke Source > Clean Up…​, use a custom profile, and on the Configure…​ dialog select Use the local variable type inference on the Code Style tab.

var preferences

For the given code:

var before

You get this after the clean up:

var after
Prefer lazy logical operators

A new clean up has been added that replaces eager logical operators by lazy operators when it is possible.

The clean up respectively replaces | and & by || and && when the following operands can’t make side effect. Any assignments, increments, decrements, object creations or method call may cause side effect. So, in such case, it will keep the eager operator. It also leaves the binary operations as it is.

To select the clean up, invoke Source > Clean Up…​, use a custom profile, and on the Configure…​ dialog select Use the lazy logical operator on the Code Style tab.

lazy logical preferences

For the given code:

lazy logical before

You get this after the clean up:

lazy logical after
Quick fix to change return statement to yield statement in Switch Expression

A quick fix has been added to convert a return statement in a Switch Expression to yield statement.

quickfix switch expression return to yield

Java Formatter

Record declarations support

A lot of new settings have appeared in the formatter profile to control the formatting of record declarations. They are very similar to existing settings related to other type declarations. To see them all, you can use the filter field and type in the keyword record.

formatter records


Synthetic variables inspection

The JDT debugger is now capable of inspecting synthetic variables which are generated by the Java compilers. One such example is debugging the following method ` java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.filter(Predicate<? super P_OUT>)` and inspecting the predicate variable.


synthetic var without fix


synthetic var with fix


Substring Matching

The content assist preference option Show Substring Matches has been removed and the feature is now always enabled.

Any application or user can still disable it using the VM property: -Djdt.codeCompleteSubstringMatch=false

And more…​

You can find more noteworthy updates in on this page.

What is next?

Having JBoss Tools 4.16.0 and Red Hat CodeReady Studio 12.16 out we are already working on the next release for Eclipse 2020-09.


Jeff Maury

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