A JBoss Project
Red Hat

Red Hat becomes Strategic Eclipse Developer

posted by Max Rydahl Andersen on May 05, 2015.

eclipse jbosscentral


I’m happy to report that a few days ago the final paperwork around Red Hat upgrading their membership to Strategic Developer at Eclipse was completed and now announced at Eclipse.org.

What does this mean ?

Strategic Members are organizations that view Eclipse as a strategic platform and are investing developer and other resources to further develop Eclipse Foundation technologies. Strategic Developers commit to assign at least eight developers full time to develop Eclipse technology, lead Eclipse projects and contribute annual dues up to 250.000 $.

At Red Hat we already have more than eight developers doing development Eclipse technology, both at and around the base Eclipse distribution.

  • m2e-wtp

  • JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)

  • vert.x

  • Linux Tools

  • Thym

  • BPMN2

  • BPEL

  • SWTBot

.and contributing to many more.

This work is used in our JBoss Tools project and two products: JBoss Developer Studio (Middleware) and Red Hat Developer Toolset (Linux Platform).

By upgrading to Strategic Developer we are confirming our continued support and commitement of resources to Eclipse, but also increasing our funding to be $250.000 annually.

Red Hat have an interest in Eclipse Foundation continues to thrive, and that its flagship, the Eclipse IDE and other opensource development tools and runtimes continues to evolve and improve.

Stepping down and up from the board

This announcement also means I’ll have to step down from the board as solutions member representative, but I’ll be joining again as Red Hat’s representative for their newly aquired Strategic Developer position.

I’m happy to have served and I’m looking forward to see which other solutions member will come join in on the board and bring Eclipse Foundation forward.

What next ?

We’ve been contributing and continue to help making Eclipse Mars a great release, together with the rest of the community. We are especially working on fixing GTK/SWT on Linux, making Docker support and looking at improving the Java Script Development tools. The latter I did a presentation at EclipseCon which provide some of ideas what we are working on.

By becoming strategic developer we also plan to be involved more in how Eclipse IP and Development process works and evolves. Something that become more important to make more effective for fast moving projects to feel better at home at Eclipse.

On top of that Eclipse have a lot of other areas going on which Red Hat are keeping our eye on - especially in the area of web IDE’s and Internet-of-things.

If you are interested in hearing more about this or have a suggestion please feel free to contact me by mail or leave a comment below!

Let’s Have fun!,
Max Rydahl Andersen

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