A JBoss Project
Red Hat

Posts tagged with 'release'

Today a new beta is available from our download and update sites!

jbosstools bower
Remember that since Beta1 we require Java 8 for installing and using of JBoss Tools. We still support developing and running applications using older Java runtimes. See more in Beta1 blog.


JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) but we recommend using the Eclipse 4.5 Mars JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools" or "JBoss Developer Studio".

We are now using Eclipse Marketplace feature of having just one market place entry for all old versions.

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly if you are up for it.


Note: Integration Stack tooling will become available from JBoss Central at a later date.

What is new ?

Full info is at this page. Some highlights are below.


We’ve added support for easy setup and invocation of Bower using your locally installed bower command line tool on Windows, OS X and Linux.

We provide a Bower Init wizard for getting started.

bower init wizard page

Once your project has a bower.json file you can now easily run bower update by right-clicking on the file and selecting Run  As…​  Bower Update.

We are working on contributing this and additional Javascript integration to Eclipse JSDT. We will keep you posted!

OpenShift v3

We continue to work on improving OpenShift v3 tooling and this release has a few new features and important bug fixes but overall OpenShift v3 tooling is still in very early stages.

Manage your OpenShift v3 Projects

You can now create and delete OpenShift v3 projects.

manage projects

manage projects wizard

If you try to create a new application, but you have no project yet, the tools will prompt you to create one first. Once you are done you can always get back and manage your OpenShift projects via a link in the application wizard.

Manually Trigger Builds

You can manually trigger builds when selecting your Build Configs in the OpenShift Explorer.

start build

Once you triggered you should see a new build appear in the Builds category in the OpenShift Explorer. You can see its state next to its name or in the Properties view. Refreshing the Explorer will show you when the build completes.

Port Forwarding

Assuming that your application exposes ports you can now forward those to your local machine with JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Beta2.

port forwarding wizard

More details of new OpenShift v3 features are at Whats New.

Java EE Batch Tooling

The batch tooling now has hyperlink support for @BatchProperty to navigate between classes and their relevant job .xml files.


There are more news at Whats New.

Exploded nested jars

In WildFly 8.2 there is now support for hotloading resources from exploded jars inside deployments, i.e. a jar inside your WEB-INF/libs.

This allows you to have faster reload times for module web applications using resources from nested jars.

Thanks to patch from Vsevolod Golovanov we now support this when you are using our server tools. Thanks Vsevolod!

Deploy Hybrid project to FeedHenry

You can now take a hybrid mobile project created with Thym and deploy it to a FeedHenry cloud.



Alexey Kazakov

JBoss Fuse Tooling plus an updated Teiid Designer and Early Access versions of the Fuse SAP Tool Suite, Fuse Data Transformation tooling and SwitchYard (Luna/JBoss Developer Studio 8).

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header
JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.2.2.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.2.GA

What’s an Integration Stack?

The Integration Stack for JBoss Tools Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that provides integration tooling for the following frameworks.

JBoss Fuse Development

  • Fuse Tooling - Tools related to integrating and developing software components that work with Apache ServiceMix, ActiveMQ and Camel - support for Fuse.

The Fuse Development tooling category has both released and early access components. Consequently, you will see it in both the release installation dialog and the early access installation dialog.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

The SOA Development tooling category has both released and early access components. Consequently, you will see it in both the release install dialog and the early access install dialog.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.2 and Developer Studio 8.

What’s Been Updated?

Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling, Fuse Tooling, Data Virtualization and SwitchYard. See the Integration Stack 8.0.2 Release Notes

Released Tooling Highlights

JBoss Fuse Development Highlights

  • New projects can now be given an arbitrary name. Previously, artifactId was used as the project name without the possibility to alter it.

  • JMX Navigator has been moved to JBoss Core and reworked. It now contains 3 categories: Local Processes, Server Connections, and User-Defined Connections.

  • Camel Debugger has been added. It allows to set, edit and remove breakpoints in the Design view. Camel 2.12 or higher is required for this functionality.

  • The Servers view now provides access to JMX when the server is running. Fuse-specific nodes are now also visible in the Servers view.

  • New and reworked server adapters have been added for Apache Karaf, Apache ServiceMix, and JBoss Fuse.

  • The previous deployment mechanism using hotfolder, JMX node and fabric8 nodes has been replaced by a publishing logic in the Servers view.

  • Project running on a server are now automatically redeployed when changed locally.

  • The Servers view now shows deployed projects and their bundle state.

  • The deploy, redeploy and undeploy operations are now all done in the Servers view.

  • Server credentials are now stored in the Eclipse secure storage.

  • A new editor palette drawer has been added for the most frequently used Camel components.

  • New custom component properties pages have been added.

  • Fabric8 tooling is now DEPRECATED and will be removed with the release of Fuse Tooling 8.0.0 (released in sync with JBoss Fuse 7.0.0).

BPMN2 Modeler Highlights

Teiid Designer Highlights

Early Access/ Technical Preview Tooling Highlights

Fuse Tooling Highlights

  • The new SAP Tool Suite enables integration of Camel routes with a remote SAP application server. The suite consists of ten components that support Remote Function Calls (RFC) and transmission of Intermediate Documents (IDocs).

  • The new Data Transformation tooling provides a GUI to assist users in implementing data translations as part of Camel routes.

Also see Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more Fuse Tooling insights.

SwitchYard Highlights

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


The easiest way to install the Integratin Stack components is to install JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack

For a complete set of Integration Stack installation instructions, see Integration Stack Installation Instructions

More to come…​

Paul Leacu.

I’m happy to announce that from today JBoss Tools 4.3 Beta1 and Developer Studio 9 Beta1 is available for download.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header

Java 8 to run Eclipse; older runtimes OK for builds/deployment

To use this Beta, you must run Eclipse with Java 8.

You can still target development for old Java versions though. Yes, you can still target your Java 1.4 projects :)

We are doing this because certain components of Eclipse Mars now require Java 8 (especially Sapphire) and according to our usage stats, Java 8 will have gained majority this year.

But we have not made JBoss Tools dependent on Java 8 yet, since we want to get feedback from users on whether requiring Java 8 will be a problem.

Let us know on our forum, or contact Red Hat support if this will be a problem for you to use it.


JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) but we recommend using the Eclipse 4.5 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled. In case that page it not available check main eclipse download for the Mars release.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools (Mars)" or "JBoss Developer Studio (Mars)".

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly if you are up for it.


Note: Integration Stack tooling will become available from JBoss Central at a later date.

What is new ?

The full details of what is new is available on this page. Some highlights below.

New Shiny Central

JBoss Central has now been updated to be faster to load, less overloaded and give access to any project example from developer.jboss.org.

html5 central

Docker tooling

There is now tooling to connect to (multiple) Docker daemons which allows you to pull, build, start, stop, etc. Images and Containers.

docker explorer view

The Docker tooling is technically part of Eclipse Mars, but we wanted to make it easily available to all JBoss Tools users, so we included it into our updatesite. In future releases, we will add some specific JBoss Tools integrations for our server adapters and OpenShift - but for now, what is included are the vanilla Eclipse Mars Docker tools.

Visual Java EE 7 Batch

We’ve added a visual diagram editor for Java EE 7 Batch tooling. Allowing you to visualize and edit your batch flow:


Big thanks to Tomáš Milata who worked on this for his thesis and contributed the foundation for this functionality!

Below is a video of the highlights of the feature set:

OpenShift 3

OpenShift 3 now works with OAuth logins as well as basic authentication and there is now support for creating applications from OpenShift/Kubernetes templates.

create from template

Port Monitoring

JBoss server adapters now support port monitoring, allowing you to trace and inspect requests made to a server.

20150521 monitoring view

Experimental LaunchBar

The Eclipse CDT project created a new feature called the LaunchBar, allowing to easily run launch configurations. We’ve added experimental support for WTP server adapters (like JBoss server adapters) making them as easy to run as a Java app. Details here.

20150604 launchbar

Next steps

Let us know what you like/hate about the release and if you find issues, please open a ticket at our issue tracker.

Going from Beta1 to Beta2, we are focusing on reported issues and going for improving Docker, OpenShift, JavaScript and JavaEE related features.

Hope you enjoy it and remember…​

Have fun!

Max Rydahl Andersen

Alpha 2 build for Eclipse Mars M6 is now available at Alpha2 download.


This version of JBoss Tools targets Eclipse Mars 4.5 (M6).

We recommend using the Eclipse 4.5 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you use our update site directly:


Note: Marketplace entry and Integration Stack tooling will become available from JBoss Central at a later date.

What is new ?

Easy Import/Open of projects

We have included our incubation project at Eclipse that makes importing and opening of projects much easier than default Eclipse. No longer do you need to know or guess at which of many import wizards are the right one. With this you just use File  Import Project from Folder, point it to a folder and it will auto-detect the type of project, imports ann configure it as best as it can.

easyimport filemenu

Once started it will recursively scan the selected folder and report which directories it found.

easyimport wizard

We included this incubation feature to get early feedback - please do give it a try and let us know if it works great or if we detected some projects "badly".

OpenShft v3

Our OpenShift integration now allow you to connect to OpenShift 3 in addition to the existing OpenShift 2 support.

connection wizard server type

Once connected you can browse the OpenShift/Kubernetes data for your application/projects.

view explorer v3

Note: OpenShift v3 is not available from openshift.com to try at this point in time. If you want to try use it you can follow the instructions at OpenShift Origin sample app.

Java EE 7 Batch wizards, content assist, validation and refactoring

In Alpha 1 we introduced support for Java EE 7 batch specification and now extending this support with a wizard, content assist, linked navigation, searching and refactoring of Batch elements.


WildFly 9

We’ve added native WildFly 9 runtime detection and server support. You no longer need to use the WildFly 8 adapter and detection will work correctly now.

Content assist for AngularJS Expressions

When editing AngularJS single-page html (not templates) the html editor now communicates with the preview to provide content assist for angularjs expressions.


Custom HTML Tag validation

There is now a quickfix for marking custom HTML5 elements to be ignored in validation.


Note: this is not specific to JBoss Tools, it is built into Eclipse M6

Next steps

With Alpha2 out we are heading towards a Beta1.

In Beta1 we are targeting including:

  1. OpenShift v3 support for templates

  2. Docker Tooling

  3. Better JavaScript content assist

  4. Making project imports in Eclipse even simpler

  5. And more…​

As always, ask/suggest away and we’ll keep you posted!

Have fun!

Max Rydahl Andersen

The Luna tooling train continues! - Adding JBoss Business Process and Rules development tooling to JBoss Data Virtualization and the SOA 5.x suite plus updates to the early access components.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header

What’s an Integration Stack?

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.2.1.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.1.GA

The Integration Stack for JBoss Tools Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that provides integration tooling for the following frameworks.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

Note - the SOA Development tooling category has both released and early access components. Consequently, you will see it in both the release install dialog and the early access install dialog.

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.2 and Developer Studio 8.

What’s Been Updated?

Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling (BPMN2 Modeler), Fuse Tooling and SwitchYard. See the JBDSIS 8.0.1 Release Notes

Released Tooling Highlights

BPMN2 Modeler Highlights

Early Access Tooling Highlights

Fuse Tooling Highlights

  • FUSETOOLS-1285: Broken parsing and missing configuration of exchange pattern for ToDefiniton endpoint

  • FUSETOOLS-1271: adding component connectors via context menu broken

  • FUSETOOLS-1269: Node Context Menu>Add option does not include the Components drawer items

  • FUSETOOLS-1268: Cannot view or edit file node in Properties editor after dragging a Filesystem component onto the canvas

  • FUSETOOLS-1267: Properties editor for File endpoint converts relative paths to absolute paths so files are not read

  • FUSETOOLS-1264: JMX Node in servers view doesn’t work if server has secured JMX access via credentials

  • FUSETOOLS-1261: Move connection between components cause problem

  • FUSETOOLS-1260: Cannot run Fuse server with alternate JRE

  • FUSETOOLS-1250: The IDE slows down when a fuse project is deployed

  • FUSETOOLS-1248: Debugger step over resets changed variable value and continues along original path

  • FUSETOOLS-1246: New Server Wizard bug with JMX Bundles plugin only

  • FUSETOOLS-1218: Cryptic error message displayed when trying to connect to Fuse 6.2 server

  • FUSETOOLS-1214: Run Configurations dialog shows launch config types for server adapters for Karaf, SMX, Fuse and Fabric8 which partially don’t work

  • FUSETOOLS-1211: Adding another route to a Fuse Project doesn’t work properly

  • FUSETOOLS-1173: Servers have too many jars on launching classpath

  • FUSETOOLS-1158: fix ugly title when debugging

  • FUSETOOLS-1148: Exception when browsing a BrokerNode in JMX View

  • FUSETOOLS-1138: NPE in karaf server core support after removing a deployed project

  • FUSETOOLS-1123: context id is removed on save

  • FUSETOOLS-1100: New Fuse project does not have properly set-up build-path

  • FUSETOOLS-1085: An endpoint is lost after saving

  • FUSETOOLS-1076: New Server Runtime Wizard - Finish button error

Also see Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more Fuse Tooling insights.

SwitchYard Highlights

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


If you already have JBDSIS 8.0.0 installed…​

Simply start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:

Select Help > Check for Updates

Select the components you’d like to install from the available updates.

If you’d like a fresh install…​

To install the Integration Stack tools, first install JBoss Developer Studio from the all-in-one installer, bundled and configured out of the box with everything you need to get started. Alternatively, if you already have eclipse-jee-luna installed, you can install JBoss Developer Studio or JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBDS

Once Developer Studio is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. The current 8.0.1.GA integration stack is available automatically with the released JBoss Data Virtualization Development tooling. The remainder of the integration tooling is available as Early Access so you must check the Enable Early Access checkbox in the installer window in order to install.

JBoss Central - JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack
JBoss Central Early Access - JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack. Simply start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the production integration stack:

 - use this for 'Location:' for the early-access-components integration stack:

The community JBoss Tools Integration Stack installation is easy as well. If you already have eclipse-jee-luna installed, install JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBoss Tools

Once JBoss Tools is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. The current 4.2.1.Final integration stack is available automatically with the released tooling. In a manner similar to devstudio, the remainder of the integration tooling is available as "Early Access" so you must check the "Enable Early Access" checkbox in the installer window in order to install.

Select the items you’d like to install:

JBoss Central Early Access - JBoss Tools Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Tools Integration Stack. Simply start eclipse-with-jbt, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the released-components integration stack:

 - use this for 'Location:' for the early access integration stack:

Note: If you installed into your own Eclipse you should bump up the launch resource parameters:

--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m --launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m

Give it a try!

Paul Leacu.

Happy to announce JBoss Tools 4.2.3 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1 for Eclipse Luna are finally available.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header


JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it and install it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-{version}-installer-{standalone|eap}.jar

If you have JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.0.GA already installed, just run:

Help > Check for updates

JBoss Tools or JBoss Developer Studio Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) requires a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) but we recommend using the Eclipse Luna SR2 Java EE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled with Java EE Bundle and SR2 release includes some critical fixes.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools (Luna)" or "JBoss Developer Studio (Luna)".

For JBoss Tools you can also use our update site directly if you are up for it.


What is New?

This release is update for Eclipse Luna and also includes some new features which we would like to highlight. You can see everything in the What’s New section for this release.

Eclipse Luna SR2

This version of JBoss Tools targets Eclipse Luna SR2. More stability. Less false positive JavaScript errors. And many other fixed bugs.

JBoss Developer Studio also includes an important feature patch for Eclipse Web Tools 3.6.3. That patch fixes Eclipse freezes for some JavaScript files.

FeedHenry support

If you are a FeedHenry user we’ve now added support for easy importing and running of your FeedHenry Cordova applications.


New Wildfly Archetypes in JBoss Central

WildFly 8.2.0.GA archetypes are now available for the HTML5, JavaEE Web & EAR project wizards. They will be automatically enabled when you select a WildFly runtime in the project wizards.

IP6 Support Added for Server Tools

For JBoss 7 and Wildfly installations, using hostnames with an IPv6 format often failed to connect, show webpages, or even verify the server’s state. Several changes have made this work as expected. With updated wildfly jars, management commands will execute without issue. In addition, our tools will now automatically recognize host names in an IPv6 pattern, and update your launch configuration’s various launch arguments to ensure that the server starts properly and with all expected flags set.

Upgraded Forge 2 Runtime

The Forge 2 runtime was upgraded to 2.15.2.Final. See the full release notes here.

There is also an improvement in Forge wizards which now render notes below the inputs (where available):


HTML5 & JavaScript Editing Improvements

HTML validation in Eclipse Web Tools Luna has an annoying issue with custom HTML5 tags. It warns about any HTML tag name that is not mentioned in the HTML specification. We contributed a patch to Eclipse Mars which allows to disable those warnings for any particular tag name (or a tag name mask, e.g. <ion-*>). Though this was fixed in Eclipse Mars only we back ported this useful feature to JBoss Tools 4.2.3 which is based on Eclipse Luna SR2:


JavaSript file validation now respects ECMA5 keywords.

Tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse 0.8.2

Tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse (available via JBoss Central - Early Access) has been upgraded to 0.8.2 version.

There is a bunch of new features which were introduced in 0.8.0 releases:

0.8.2 releases also include bug fixes for some critical issues which caused Eclipse to freeze.

Multiple Browser Engine Support on Linux in Visual Editor

On Linux Visual Page Editor can be opened in HTML5 mode for HTML files, where all HTML5 features are supported. Visual Page editor mode can be changed with dialog, which appears during HTML file opening or in Visual Page Editor Preferences.

engine dialog

Deprecation of Visual Editor for JSF Pages

Currently JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio have some problems with supporting both HTML5 Visual Preview and JSF Visual Editor. It’s related to the outdated XULRunner which is used in JBoss Tools to provide visual editing feature for JSF pages. It has very limited HTML5 support and conflicts with other browsers which may be used for HTML5 preview. It’s time now to deprecate the visual part of XHTML and JSP Page editor. JBoss Developer Studio 8.1 and JBoss Tools 4.2.3 still include JSF Visual Editor but it will be removed in future releases.

This deprecation is only about the visual part of the XHTML/JSP Editor (Visual/Source and Preview tabs). The existing content assist, code navigation, wizards etc. related to JSF will still be present in the source editor.

What is Next

We are now focusing on JBoss Developer Studio 9 and JBoss Tools 4.3 for Eclipse Mars. Alpha1 is already available and we are working on upcoming Alpha2.


Alexey Kazakov

We would like to announce Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 CR1 and JBoss Tools 4.2.3 CR1 is now available.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header


Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it and install it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-{version}-installer-{standalone|eap}.jar

JBoss Tools or JBoss Developer Studio Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) requires a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) but we recommend using the Eclipse Luna SR2 Java EE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled with Java EE Bundle and SR2 release includes some critical fixes.

Once you have installed or if you have JBoss Tools 4.2.x already installed, you can use our update site directly for JBoss Tools:


And for JBoss Developer Studio Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse:


Note: JBoss Tools 4.2.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 will become available in Marketplace only for Final releases at early April

What is New?

We are getting close to the final release. So, we focused on bug fixing in this release.

Upgraded Forge 2 Runtime

Besides bug fixes, the Forge 2 runtime was upgraded to 2.15.1.Final. See the release notes here.

There is also an improvement in Forge wizards which now render notes below the inputs (where available):


It’s worth mentioning that the Forge 2.15.1 release has an annoying bug which prevents addons creation. The upcoming JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.Final will include the fixed Forge 2.15.2.Final (has been released today).

What is Next?

The next stop is JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final and JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.Final which are going to be released in two weeks.


Alexey Kazakov

Just for you Kepler fans - an Eclipse Kepler update of your favorite Integration Stack tooling is now available.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header

What’s an Integration Stack?

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.1.7.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 7.1.0.GA

The Integration Stack for JBoss Tools Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that provides integration tooling for the following frameworks.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.1 and Developer Studio 7.

What’s Been Updated?

Updates have been made to the Business Process tooling (BPMN2 Modeler, BPEL), Fuse Tooling and Data Virtualization tooling (Teiid Designer). See the JBDSIS 7.1.0 Release Notes

Released Tooling Highlights

BPEL Highlights

Bug Fixes
  • Cannot set date (deadline expression) in Wait and OnAlarm

Fuse Tooling Highlights

Bug Fixes
  • Hyperlinks in the Fuse Tooling help seem to be widely broken

For more specifics see

Fuse Tooling

See Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more insights.

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.


If you already have JBDSIS installed…​

Simply start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:

Select Help > Check for Updates

Select the components you’d like to install from the available updates:

Check for Updates - JBoss Tools Integration Stack

If you’d like a fresh install…​

To install the Integration Stack tools, first install JBoss Developer Studio from the all-in-one installer, bundled and configured out of the box with everything you need to get started. Alternatively, if you already have eclipse-jee-kepler installed, you can install JBoss Developer Studio or JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBDS

Once Developer Studio is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view and look for the JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack installation section. Select the items you’d like to install:

JBoss Central - JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack. Simply start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the production integration stack:

The community JBoss Tools Integration Stack installation is easy as well. If you already have eclipse-jee-kepler installed, install JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBoss Tools

Once JBoss Tools is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. The current 4.1.7.Final integration stack is available automatically. Select the items you’d like to install:

JBoss Central - JBoss Tools Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Tools Integration Stack. Simply start eclipse-with-jbt, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the released-components integration stack:

Note: If you installed into your own Eclipse you should bump up the launch resource parameters:

--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m --launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m

Let us know…​

Paul Leacu.

We’re there! - JBoss Data Virtualization tooling is now available. JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.2.0.Final / JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 8.0.0.GA

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header

The Integration Stack for JBoss Tools Developer Studio is a set of plugins for Eclipse that provides tooling for the following frameworks.

JBoss Business Process and Rules Development

  • BPEL Designer - Orchestrating your business processes.

  • BPMN2 Modeler - A graphical modeling tool which allows creation and editing of Business Process Modeling Notation diagrams using graphiti.

  • Drools - A Business Logic integration Platform which provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing.

  • jBPM - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) suite.

JBoss Data Virtualization Development

  • Modeshape - A distributed, hierarchical, transactional and consistent data store with support for queries, full-text search, events, versioning, references, and flexible and dynamic schemas. It is very fast, highly available, extremely scalable, and it is 100% open source.

  • Teiid Designer - A visual tool that enables rapid, model-driven definition, integration, management and testing of data services without programming using the Teiid runtime framework.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development

  • All of the Business Process and Rules Development plugins, plus…​

  • Fuse Apache Camel Tooling - A graphical tool for integrating software components that works with Apache ServiceMix, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and the FuseSource distributions.

  • SwitchYard - A lightweight service delivery framework providing full lifecycle support for developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications.

SOA 5.x Development

  • JBoss ESB - An enterprise service bus for connecting enterprise applications and services.

  • jBPM3 - A flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite - JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.x compatible version.

All of these components have been verified to work with the same dependencies as JBoss Tools 4.2 and Developer Studio 8.


To install the Integration Stack tools, first install JBoss Developer Studio from the all-in-one installer, bundled and configured out of the box with everything you need to get started. Alternatively, if you already have eclipse-jee-luna installed, you can install JBoss Developer Studio or JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBDS

Once Developer Studio is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. The current 8.0.0.GA integration stack is available automatically with the released JBoss Data Virtualization Development tooling. The remainder of the integration tooling is available as Early Access so you must check the Enable Early Access checkbox in the installer window in order to install.

Select the items you’d like to install:

JBoss Central Early Access - JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack. Simply start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the production integration stack:

 - use this for 'Location:' for the early access integration stack:

The community JBoss Tools Integration Stack installation is easy as well. If you already have eclipse-jee-luna installed, install JBoss Tools from the Eclipse Marketplace via Help > Eclipse Marketplace…​

Eclipse Marketplace - JBoss Tools

Once JBoss Tools is installed, restart Eclipse and select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. The current 4.2.0.Final integration stack is available automatically with the released 'JBoss Data Virtualization Development' tooling. In a manner similar to devstudio, the remainder of the integration tooling is available as "Early Access" so you must check the "Enable Early Access" checkbox in the installer window in order to install.

Select the items you’d like to install:

JBoss Central Early Access - JBoss Tools Integration Stack

The standard p2 installer is available for JBoss Tools Integration Stack. Simply start eclipse-with-jbt, then:

 Help > Install New Software...
 - use this for 'Location:' for the released-components integration stack:

 - use this for 'Location:' for the early access integration stack:

Note: If you installed into your own Eclipse you should bump up the launch resource parameters:

--launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m --launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m

What’s Been Updated?

The JBoss Data Virtualization tooling (ModeShape, Teiid Designer) is released. New features and bug fixes in the early access tooling are available as well.

Released Tooling Highlights

Teiid Designer Highlights

Teiid Designer 8.4 introduces the following changes and features
  • Added option to auto-create VDB data source after deployment

  • Improved model name validation in wizards and dialogs

  • Expanded SQL Template insert/replace functionality

  • Added ability to define virtual table as global temporary table

  • Improved Guides View functionality

  • Lock Diagrams feature

  • Teiid Connection Importer allows saving DDL to workspace

  • for details: Teiid Designer 8.4

Teiid Designer 8.5 introduces the following changes and features
  • Replaced teiid client plugins with a single runtime plugin

  • Support for dynamic extension metadata

  • VDB Editor layout improvements

  • Added ability to view a built-in MED

  • Improved Default Server naming

  • Enhance security for Data Roles UI

  • Add ability to create User Function in Transformation Editor

  • for details: Teiid Designer 8.5

Teiid Designer 8.6 introduces the following changes and features
  • Support for a Native Query Procedure

  • REST Importer Enhancements

  • Added Dynamic Parameter Capability to REST Importer

  • Added Dynamic Parameters to Generated REST Procedure

  • Added JSON REST Web Service Support

  • Improved Security Definition for Data Roles

  • for details: Teiid Designer 8.6

Teiid Designer 9.0 introduces the following changes and features
  • Show Rest WS Response Document on Import

  • Quick Fix for migrating Designer 7.7 REST model extension properties

  • Added additional support for comments in transformation SQL

  • for details: Teiid Designer 9.0

Early Access Highlights

For more specifics see:

BPMN2 Modeler

  • The Graphiti framework dependency was changed to require only 0.11. This is now aligned with the same version that is shipped with Eclipse Luna.

  • BPMN 2.0 Model validation has been reworked to allow extension plug-ins to override specific model element constraints. See Bug 427470 for details.

  • Double-click handling in the Outline and Problems views has been improved: a double-click on a node in the Outline view, or an error item in the Problems view will now display the Property sheet for the associated model object to allow immediate editing of the object.

  • The editor now performs a Live validation just before saving a file, and cancels the save process if the model is found to be corrupt (invalid ID string, duplicate IDs, etc.) This prevents the model file from being corrupted.

  • A new User Preference has been added to the Editor Behavior preference page, which allows Text fields to be limited to a maximum length. The default is 255 characters. Note that Multiline text boxes, such as those used for Documentation and Scripts, are not subject to this limit.

  • for details: https://www.eclipse.org/bpmn2-modeler/whatsnew/whatsnew-1.1.2.php

Fuse Tooling

See Lars Heinemann’s Blog for more insights.

The JBoss Tools website features tab

Don’t miss the Features tab for up to date information on your favorite Integration Stack components.

Give it a try!

Paul Leacu.

We are ready with Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 Beta1 and JBoss Tools 4.2.3 Beta1 for Eclipse Luna SR2.

jbosstools jbdevstudio blog header


Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it and install it like this:

java -jar jboss-devstudio-{version}-installer-{standalone|eap}.jar

JBoss Tools or JBoss Developer Studio Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) requires a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) but we recommend using the Eclipse Luna SR2 Java EE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled with Java EE Bundle and SR2 release includes some critical fixes.

Once you have installed or if you have JBoss Tools 4.2.x already installed, you can use our update site directly for JBoss Tools:


And for JBoss Developer Studio Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse:


Note: JBoss Tools 4.2.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 will become available in Marketplace only for Final releases at early April

What is New?

This release is update for Eclipse Luna and also includes some new features which we would like to highlight. You can see everything in the What’s New section for this release.

Eclipse Luna SR2

This version of JBoss Tools targets Eclipse Luna SR2. More stability. Less false positive JavaScript errors. And many other fixed bugs.

FeedHenry support

If you are a FeedHenry user we’ve now added support for easy importing and running of your FeedHenry Cordova applications.


New Wildfly Archetypes in JBoss Central

WildFly 8.2.0.GA archetypes are now available for the HTML5, JavaEE Web & EAR project wizards. They will be automatically enabled when you select a WildFly runtime in the project wizards.

HTML5 & JavaScript Editing Improvements

HTML validation in Eclipse Web Tools Luna has an annoying issue with custom HTML5 tags. It warns about any HTML tag name that is not mentioned in the HTML specification. We contributed a patch to Eclipse Mars which allows to disable those warnings for any particular tag name (or a tag name mask, e.g. <ion-*>). Though this was fixed in Eclipse Mars only we back ported this useful feature to JBoss Tools 4.2.3 which is based on Eclipse Luna SR2:


JavaSript file validation now respects ECMA5 keywords.

Tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse 0.8.2

Tern.java and AngularJS Eclipse (available via JBoss Central - Early Access) has been upgraded to the latest 0.8.2 version.

There is a bunch of new features which were introduced in 0.8.0 releases:

0.8.2 releases also include bug fixes for some critical issues which caused Eclipse to freeze.

Multiple Browser Engine Support on Linux in Visual Editor

On Linux Visual Page Editor can be opened in HTML5 mode for HTML files, where all HTML5 features are supported. Visual Page editor mode can be changed with dialog, which appears during HTML file opening or in Visual Page Editor Preferences.

engine dialog

IP6 Support Added for Server Tools

For JBoss 7 and Wildfly installations, using hostnames with an IPv6 format often failed to connect, show webpages, or even verify the server’s state. Several changes have made this work as expected. With updated wildfly jars, management commands will execute without issue. In addition, our tools will now automatically recognize host names in an IPv6 pattern, and update your launch configuration’s various launch arguments to ensure that the server starts properly and with all expected flags set.

What’s Next?

We are going to release a candidate release for JBoss Tools 4.2.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 soon, and we are also working on the next Alpha release for Eclipse Mars.


Alexey Kazakov

JBoss Tools 4.29.1.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 13, 2024.

JBoss Tools 4.29.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-09

by Stéphane Bouchet on Nov 02, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.28.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-06

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jul 03, 2023.

JBoss Tools for Eclipse 2023-06M2

by Stéphane Bouchet on Jun 05, 2023.

JBoss Tools 4.27.0.Final for Eclipse 2023-03

by Stéphane Bouchet on Apr 07, 2023.

Looking for older posts ? See the Archived entries.
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