A JBoss Project
Red Hat

Installation Methods

There are four ways to install JBoss Tools, in order of increasing effort.

All downloads can be found at Download overview.


Red Hat CodeReady Studio includes the supported plugins from JBoss Tools, plus some additional tools, and comes bundled in an easy-to-use installer for Windows, Mac, and Linux (32- and 64-bit). It can be downloaded for free. Perfect for offline installs, as these bundles include everything you need to get up and running. Learn more here.

Eclipse Marketplace

The Eclipse Marketplace provides a way to install JBoss Tools or Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio from within an existing Eclipse install. Each of our latest releases are available on Marketplace and provides the proper market place link for the right version.

This video outlines how to install from market place.

Online Update site / p2 Repository

Choose to install some, or preferably all, of JBoss Tools from its update site, including automatically downloading required libraries. Simply add the update site URL to Eclipse’s Install Manager ("p2"), and select the features you wish to install. While you may be able to download a zip of the update site for offline use, you must be connected to the internet to fetch any missing dependencies not included in the zip or already installed in your Eclipse.

The zip for each release is available from the "zip" tab under each download. You can find all our downloads at download page.

Offline Update site zips

Since JBoss Tools 3.1.0, you can download an Update zip, which can be used for offline installation using Eclipse’s Install Manager ("p2"). This works similar to the Online update sites but if you have download the zip and you have all the required basic Eclipse dependencies you can install offline from this zip.

Installation types

Depending on how close to the bleeding edge you like to be, there are several types of releases available.

Stable Releases

Stable releases are - as indicated by their name - stable.

JBoss Tools attempt to have a release matching the years Eclipse release train and 1 or 2 updates after the Final release for bugfixes/enhancements.


Development builds, released once per milestone on average each 6-8 weeks, are fairly stable, but there may be some things which do not yet work. If you would like to try one of these milestones, we’d greatly appreciate the assistance in testing and reporting of issues in our issue tracker.

Nightly Builds

The bleeding edge contains the latest and greatest new features, but nothing is stable or guaranteed - yet. If you’re using a Milestone and need a fix, you can update to the latest Nightly, or wait for the next Milestone.

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