A JBoss Project
Red Hat
This is a summary page of all New & Noteworthy for 4.4.2.AM3, 4.4.2.AM2 and 4.4.2.AM1

What's New in 4.4.2.Final

Forge Tools

New Menu in Forge Console view to trigger the Command Selection Dialog

Now it’s possible to bring the Command Selection Dialog menu (invoked when Ctrl/Command + 4 is pressed) by choosing the "Open Command Selection Dialog…​" menu item in the Forge Console view.

open command dialog

Forge Runtime updated to 3.4.0.Final

The included Forge runtime is now 3.4.0.Final. Read the official announcement here.



Common namespace is now configurable

When looking for Openshift resources (builder images, templates), a common namespace is browsed. Earlier hardcoded openshift namespace is now configurable with default value openshift.

It can be accessed and modified through the connection extended properties:

connection extended properties namespace

Related JIRA: JBIDE-23014

CDK server using native terminal for better user interactions

The CDK server adapter now uses a native terminal that allows better interaction with the user. In the case credentials are not passed in the Vagrant environment, the user will be asked just as with the standard Vagrant CLI and in case of registration failures, retries will be performed.

First, make sure your CDK server adapter is configured not to pass credentials:

cdk editor no credentials pass

Then, start the CDK server adapter and a new terminal window will open, asking for registration:

cdk terminal asks for registration

If you answered y to the previous questions, then the terminal window will ask for username:

cdk terminal asks for username

Then the terminal window will ask for password:

cdk terminal asks for password

If the registration fails, then the terminal window will perform retries and ask again for username and password:

cdk terminal asks for password2

Related JIRA: JBIDE-23039

User controlled hostname when creating routes

When an application is being deployed to Openshift, a route is optionally created if required by the user. Openshift/CDK used to create an xip.io based hostname. User can now set its own hostname. This allows for both changing the DNS to local IP provider (nip.io) or using you own enterprise DNS naming strategy.

The hostname can be accessed from the Services and Routing Settings page when deploying an application:

wizard new application hostname

Related JIRA: JBIDE-23147

Create routes targetting a specific service port

When an application is being deployed to Openshift, a route is optionally created if required by the user. It is now possible to target a specific port (exposed by a to be created service). When the ports are being displayed, it is now possible to select one of them to be used by the route. By default, none of the ports is selected (this round robin is performed).

The route port can be accessed from the Services and Routing Settings page when deploying an application:

wizard new application route port

Related JIRA: JBIDE-23015

Node.js Debugger

Now it is possible to debug Node.js applications deployed to Openshift. All you need to do is creating a Server Adapter for the app and running it in the Debug mode. After that a new V8 debug session will be created:

v8 debug console

Put some breakpoints in the code and start debugging!

node js debugger

Steps by steps instructions

Step 1: deploy the nodejs:latest builder

Using the Openshift explorer, deploy a new application using the nodejs:latest builder image. Once deployed, your Openshift explorer should look like this:

node js debugger openshift explorer

Don’t forget to import the application source code into your workspace so that you can set breakpoints.

Step 2: create the server adapter

Select the nodejs service, right click and select the Server adapter menu item. An Openshift Server Adapter Settings dialog will be displayed, click the Finish button. The server adater will be created and the Servers view should look like this:

node js debugger servers view
Step 3: restart the server adapter in debug mode

In order to debug Javascript code, the server adapter must be restarted in debug mode. Select the server adapter, right click and select the Restart in Debug menu item. The Servers view should look like this:

node js debugger servers view1
Step 4: Add a breakpoint into the server code

Open the server.js file located into the nodejs-ex project that you imported in Step 1. Around line 79, the handler for the pagecount is defined so you can add a breakpoint in the following lines (line 82 for the first instruction).

node js debugger js editor
Step 5: Open the web browser

In the Openshift explorer, select the nodejs service, and select the Show in → Web Browser menu item. The home page for the application will be displayed:

node js debugger web browser
Step 6: Debug your Javascript code

Add pagecount at the end of the URL in the location toolbar and press ENTER. This will trigger Javascript debugging as you setup a breakpoint in Step 4. Depending on your Eclipse settings, you may see a dialog asking to switch to the debug perspective:

node js debugger debug perspective switch dialog

If you see this dialog, then press ENTER and the debug perspective will be shown. If you don’t see this dialog, then the debug perspective is directly shown.

node js debugger debug perspective

Changing the code during the debug session is also supported - just save the file and new changes will be applied automatically. Here is a short demo video which describes the debugging process in action:

Related JIRA: JBIDE-22225

Server Tools

Support for Jolokia JMX Connections

For some users, accessing a remote test server via standard JMX may require opening ports that, for one reason or another, cannot be opened. In these cases, a user may choose to deploy a jolokia agent to their server. Jolokia is a deployable war archive that exposes JMX over http, typically using JSON. This feature is handy as an added tool for debugging a development application, but is not really suitable or safe to expose on production. With that in mind, the workflow is as follows:

1) Download the Jolokia war file from jolokia.org, and place it in the proper deployments folder for your application server. For wildfly, this folder is 'standalone/deployments'

2) Start your server via whatever method you typically use. If your usecase allows it, use the Servers view to create and start a server adapter. If this workflow doesn’t work for you, you may wish to start the server manually.

3) Once your server is started, open the JMX Navigator

4) Right click on the "User-Defined Connections" item, and select 'New Connection'

JBIDE 23429 jolokia 1

5) Select 'Jolokia Connection'

JBIDE 23429 jolokia 2

6) Give the connection a name, and the url at which jolokia can be reached. Then finish the wizard

JBIDE 23429 jolokia 3

7) Now you can browse your JMX tree in the JMX Navigator!

JBIDE 23429 jolokia 4

Most other JMX operations will work. You can double-click an MBean node to open the editor, check properties, or invoke operations. Notifications, however, are not supported.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-23429 - Jolokia JMX Connection

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