A JBoss Project
Red Hat
This is a summary page of all New & Noteworthy for 4.5.3.AM3, 4.5.3.AM2 and 4.5.3.AM1

What's New in 4.5.3.Final


Credentials Framework

Sunsetting jboss.org credentials

Download Runtimes and CDK Server Adapter used the credentials framework to manage credentials. However, the JBoss.org credentials cannot be used any more as the underlying service used by these components does not support these credentials.

The credentials framework still supports the JBoss.org credentials in case other services / components require or use this credentials domain.


Arquillian component removal

The Arquillian component has been removed from Red Hat Central as it has been deprecated since July 2017.

The last available update site release is here:

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25736


Aerogear component deprecation

The Aerogear component has been marked deprecated as there is no more maintenance on the source code. It is still available in Red Hat Central and may be removed in the future.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25736


BrowserSim component deprecation

The BrowserSim component has been marked deprecated as there is no more maintenance on the source code. It is still available in Red Hat Central and may be removed in the future.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25736


Freemarker component removal

The Freemarker component has been removed from Red Hat Central as it has been deprecated since July 2017.

The last available update site release is here:

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25736

Fuse Tooling

New shortcuts in Fuse Integration perspective

Shortcuts for the Java, Launch, and Debug perspectives and basic navigation operations are now provided within the Fuse Integration perspective.

The result is a set of buttons in the Toolbar:

New Toolbar action

All of the associated keyboard shortcuts are also available, such as Ctrl+Shift+T to open a Java Type.

Performance improvement: Loading Advanced tab for Camel Endpoints

The loading time of the "Advanced" tab in the Properties view for Camel Endpoints is greatly improved.

Advanced Tab in Properties view

Previously, in the case of Camel Components that have a lot of parameters, it took several seconds to load the Advanced tab. For example, for the File component, it would take ~3.5s. It now takes ~350ms. The load time has been reduced by a factor of 10. (See this interesting article on response time)

If you notice other places showing slow performance, you can file a report by using the Fuse Tooling issue tracker. The Fuse Tooling team really appreciates your help. Your feedback contributes to our development priorities and improves the Fuse Tooling user experience.

Display Fuse version corresponding to Camel version proposed

When you create a new project, you select the Camel version from a list. Now, the list of Camel versions includes the Fuse version to help you choose the version that corresponds to your production version.

Fuse Version also displayed in drop-down list close to Camel version

Update validation for similar IDs between a component and its definition

Starting with Camel 2.20, you can use similar IDs for the component name and its definition unless the specific property "registerEndpointIdsFromRoute" is provided. The validation process checks the Camel version and the value of the "registerEndpointIdsFromRoute" property.

For example:

<from id="timer" uri="timer:timerName"/>

Improved guidance in method selection for factory methods on Global Bean

When selecting factory method on a Global bean, a lot of possibilities were proposed in the user interface. The list of factory methods for a global bean is now limited to only those methods that match the constraints of the bean’s global definition type (bean or bean factory).

Customize EIP labels in the diagram

The Fuse Tooling preferences page for the Editor view includes a new "Preferred Labels" option.

Fuse Tooling editor preference page

Use this option to define the label of EIP components (except endpoints) shown in the Editor’s Design view.

Dialog for defining the display text for an EIP

Fuse Ignite Technical Extension templates

The existing template for "Custom step using a Camel Route" has been updated to work with Fuse 7 Tech Preview 4.

Two new templates have been added: - Custom step using Java Bean - Custom connector

New Fuse Ignite wizard with 3 options

Improvements of the wizard to create a Fuse Integration project

The creation wizard provides better guidance for the targeted deployment environment:

New Fuse Integration Project wizard page to select environment

More place is available to choose the templates and they are now filtered based on the targeted environment:

New Fuse Integration Project wizard page to select templates

It also points out to other places to find different examples for advanced users (see the link at the bottom of the previous screenshot).

Camel Rest DSL editor (Technical preview)

Camel is providing a Rest DSL to help the integration through Rest endpoints. Fuse Tooling is now providing a new tab in read-only mode to visualize the Rest endpoints defined.

Rest DSL editor tab in read-only mode

It is currently in Tech Preview and needs to be activated in Window → Preferences → Fuse Tooling → Editor → Enable Read Only Tech preview REST DSL tab.

Work is still ongoing and feedback is very welcome on this new feature, you can comment on this JIRA epic.

Dozer upgrade and migration

When upgrading from Camel < 2.20 to Camel > 2.20, the Dozer dependency has been upgraded to a version not backward-compatible If you open a Data transformation based on Dozer in Fuse Tooling, it will propose to migrate the file used for the transformation (technically changing the namespace). It allow to continue to use the Data Transformation editor and have - in most cases - the Data Transformation working at runtime with Camel > 2.20.

Hibernate Tools

Hibernate Runtime Provider Updates

A number of additions and updates have been performed on the available Hibernate runtime providers.

New Hibernate 5.3 Runtime Provider

With beta releases available in the Hibernate 5.3 stream, the time was right to make available a corresponding Hibernate 5.3 runtime provider. This runtime provider incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.3.0.Beta2 and Hibernate Tools version 5.3.0.Beta1.

hibernate 5 3
Figure 1. Hibernate 5.3 is available

Other Runtime Provider Updates

The Hibernate 5.0 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.0.12.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.0.6.Final.

The Hibernate 5.1 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.1.12.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.1.7.Final.

The Hibernate 5.2 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.2.15.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.2.10.Final.


LiveReload component deprecation

The LiveReload component has been marked deprecated as there is no more maintenance on the source code. It is still available in Red Hat Central and may be removed in the future.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25736


Minishift Server Adapter

A new server adapter has been added to support upstream Minishift. While the server adapter itself has limited functionality, it is able to start and stop the Minishift virtual machine via its minishift binary. From the Servers view, click New and then type minishift, that will bring up a command to setup and/or launch the Minishift server adapter.

minishift server adapter

All you have to do is set the location of the minishift binary file, the type of virtualization hypervisor and an optional Minishift profile name.

minishift server adapter1

Once you’re finished, a new Minishift Server adapter will then be created and visible in the Servers view.

minishift server adapter2

Once the server is started, Docker and OpenShift connections should appear in their respective views, allowing the user to quickly create a new Openshift application and begin developing their AwesomeApp in a highly-replicatable environment.

minishift server adapter3
minishift server adapter4

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25295

CDK and Minishift Server Adapter better developer experience

When working with both CDK and upstream Minishift, it is recommanded to distinguish environments through the MINISHIFT_HOME variable. It was possible before to use this parameter but it requires a two steps process:

  • first create the server adapter (through the wizard)

  • then change the MINISHIFT_HOME in the server adapter editor

It is now possible to set this parameter from the server adapter wizard. So now, everything is correctly setup when you create the server adapter.

Let’s see an example with the CDK server adapter.

From the Servers view, select the new Server menu item and enter cdk in the filter:

cdk server adapter wizard

Select Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.2+

cdk server adapter wizard1

Click the Next button:

cdk server adapter wizard2

The MINISHIFT_HOME parameter can be set here and is defaulted.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25692

CDK and Minishift Server Adapter runtime download

When working with both CDK and upstream Minishift, you needed to have previously downloaded the CDK or Minishift binary. It is now possible to download the runtime to a specific folder when you create the server adapter.

Let’s see an example with the CDK server adapter.

From the Servers view, select the new Server menu item and enter cdk in the filter:

cdk server adapter wizard

Select Red Hat Container Development Kit 3.2+

cdk server adapter wizard1

Click the Next button:

cdk server adapter wizard3

In order to download the runtime, click the Download and install runtime…​ link:

cdk server adapter wizard4

Select the version of the runtime you want to download

cdk server adapter wizard5

Click the Next button:

cdk server adapter wizard6

You need an account to download the CDK. If you already had configured credentials, select the one you want to use. If you didn’t, click the Add button to add your credentials.

cdk server adapter wizard7

Click the Next button. Your credentials will be validated, and upon success, you must accept the license agreement:

cdk server adapter wizard8

Accept the license agreement and click the Next button:

cdk server adapter wizard9

You can choose the folder where you want the runtime to be installed. Once you’ve set it, click the Finish button:

The download of the runtime will be started and you should see the progression on the server adapter wizard:

cdk server adapter wizard10

Once the download is completed, you will notice that the Minishift Binary and Username fields have been filled:

cdk server adapter wizard11

Click the Finish button to create the server adapter.

Please note that if it’s the first time you install CDK, you must perform an initialization. In the Servers view, right click the server and select the Setup CDK menu item:

cdk server adapter wizard12
cdk server adapter wizard13

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25753

CDK Server Adapter integrated setup

When starting a CDK server adapter, a setup procedure must be previously run. Initially, this must be run outside the IDE through the minishift setup-cdk command. In the previous milestone, this has been possible from the IDE through a new action from the Servers view. It is now integrated in the start phase of the server adapter: if the MINISHIFT_HOME folder associated with the CDK server adapter is detected as uninitialized, then the user will be asked if setup-cdk command should be run and if approved by the user, it will be run prior to the start command.

Related JIRA: JBIDE-25908

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